Assembly Bill 71: A historic proposal to help end homelessness in California

We need your help contacting your State Assemblymember in support of PATH’s priority bill, AB 71. This important bill is heading for a critical vote in front of the full Assembly any day now, and contains some game-changing provisions: 

  • First-ever ongoing funding in the State Budget to address homelessness ($2.4B annually) 
  • Prioritizes accountability — from requiring performance goals to reporting on annual progress, the proposal has detailed accountability provisions 
  • Pairs bold levels of funding with a unified, statewide strategy to standardize state responses to homelessness and ensure all programs are funding evidence-based practices 
  • Comes at no cost to individual taxpayers or small businesses  

AB71 is a historic proposal to secure annual statewide funding for proven solutions to address homelessness in California. By securing annual statewide funding, AB 71 would allow nonprofits to create more affordable housing for people experiencing homelessness and low-income households and help cities, counties, and homeless continuums of care invest in real solutions that end homelessness. 

Please call or email your Assemblymember today asking them to support AB 71. You can reach Zach Schlagel, our Senior Director of Public Policy, at (619) 709-4677 with any questions. You can find your Assemblymember using this tool: Find Address (